Season planning 2024

Every week

Wednesday from 9 am to 11:30 am
Friday from 16h to 18h
Formation à la meditation de la pleine conscience
Online, on Zoom
Monthly online mindfulness meditation program over 1 to 3 months.

A program of regular and progressive meditative practices, online and at home, to experience mindfulness meditation and make it your own in your life and daily life.
Learn more →

Prices: 200 €/ month, 500 €/ 3 months

4 novembre 2022 de 20h à 22h
2 décembre 2022 de 20h à 22h
Spontaneous dance workshops: OSHO kundalini meditation at Micadanses
En salle (Micadanses, Paris 4ème arrondissement)
We will continue together the learning of a free and unconstrained dance and Vipassana meditation. Learn more →

Price: 20 €

5 et 6 novembre 2022
10 et 11 décembre 2022
Workshops "Women's Circle"

I propose a meditation and personal development workshop on Saturday from 10 am to 18 pm for those who wish to anchor themselves more intensely in their inner power (where even our own resources reside). Then will follow our famous circle of women on Saturday evening from 19h

We will start the ceremony at night at 21h. Joy and celebration!

Bring your instruments, your songs, your vocal cords, power of evocation and the verb.

And we will continue on Sunday morning for a workshop-circle of anchoring energies.

Learn more →

Price : 100 €